The METO Project has crafted a constantly evolving Draft Treaty to galvanize governments and civil society across the region in an inclusive process involving debate and political pressure to promote a WMDFZ in the Middle East. This work is already enabling stakeholders to imagine the zone while bringing together diplomats and experts to discuss: issues of implementation and verification, educational programs for capacity building, the creation of a regional network, advocacy campaigns and other related projects.
The Draft Treaty will remain a draft only and individuals, NGOs and governments are invited to suggest changes. We do not seek agreement on this Draft Treaty, nor do we think it is possible at this stage; our intention is to show that a process is possible if the political will exists.
Version 4 – November 2021
The latest version of the Draft Treaty from November 2021 can be found here.
Version 3 – May 2019
The version of the Draft Treaty from May 2019 can be found here.