METO statement on the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, credit Tasnim News Agency

Date: 28/11/2020

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) condemns in the strongest terms the assassination of the Iranian scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh as reported in the media today. Iran has alleged that this crime has been carried out by Israeli agents, and other reports suggest that it has possibly been condoned by the out-going US Administration of Donald Trump.

This is a deliberate action to destroy any future attempt to fix the JCPoA. It is a gratuitous attempt to provoke the Iranians and create conflict that will lead to many deaths and probably a WMD programme in many Middle East states. Actions like these are explicitly playing with fire and show the true colours of those who execute them and those who sympathise. Furthermore, it feeds extremist views in Iran while undermining moderate opinions.

Sharon Dolev, Executive Director of METO said, “Killing a functionary in any organisation is not about stopping the programme of that organisation, as no one is indispensable, however, when a state decides to do something like this, they’re not doing it in order to stop the programme but to fan the flames of tension. This man has been killed to get a reaction from the Iranian government. It’s irresponsible and a crime. What we have to hope for is that other states in the region, and the USA will do whatever they can in order to reduce the flames.”

METO calls on President-Elect Joe Biden to announce as soon as possible details of his plans to return the USA to the JCPoA in order to minimise the damage caused by the reckless actions seen yesterday.  Iran has been subjected to sanctions for years which have had, and are having today, a devastating effect on the lives of ordinary Iranians. Iran needs to see the light at the end of the tunnel in order to have hope that the USA will live up to the promises given during the negotiations of the JCPoA back in 2015. This is an essential condition for reducing tensions across the entire region of the proposed WMD free zone which is so necessary in order to create a secure world.

Notes to editors:

About the Middle East Treaty Organisation (METO)

The Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) is a coalition of civil society activists and practitioners seeking to rid the Middle East from all weapons of mass destruction as a gateway toward regional security and peace. Our vision is of a peaceful, integrated and thriving Middle East built on human and environmental security and our mission is to eradicate WMDs, broker peace and build security in the Middle East.

For media enquiries:

Sharon Dolev (Hebrew and English) +972 52-848-0543,
Emad Kiyaei (English and Farsi) +1 (631) 371-9292,
Paul Ingram (English) +44 7908 708175,