In solidarity and support: a statement on Ukraine

Support for victims of the Ukraine Conflict from the Middle East Treaty Organization

In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Middle East Treaty Organization stands in solidarity with those affected by this conflict, and condemns the war, the bloodshed, and the fighting. We extend our solidarity and support to the people of both Ukraine and Russia, especially to those brave individuals of the peace movement on the streets protesting against war, and to all those around the world who are in fear of what lies ahead. Our thoughts are with those on the ground, who have been caught up in the painful and unpredictable chaos that has resulted from certain world leaders who have decided, in their delusion, that warmongering is the appropriate path to peace.

This conflict, which is essentially a proxy war between the USA and Russia, is a war between two global powers that have over 90% of the global nuclear arsenal, over 10,000 nuclear weapons in all, and the power to destroy all life on the planet. It is not an exaggeration to say that this conflict is already a nuclear conflict, as the threat of nuclear violence has already been alluded to. We must not forget that even a supposedly “small” nuclear war will mean the end of human civilisation as we know it. The events currently unfolding serve as a somber, but necessary reminder that humanity should have zero tolerance for any class of weapons of mass destruction, anywhere.

It is also important that we are aware of the misinformation spreading on this crisis, and to acknowledge the racism in reporting that has been abundant within mainstream media. We must keep in mind that narratives of ‘civilised’ versus ‘uncivilised’ nations must be challenged, as no community deserves to face violence, destruction, and chaos. It is unacceptable that people of colour on the ground have faced racism and discrimination whilst simply trying to flee. We condemn those who have closed their borders and turned away refugees seeking safety from this violence. 

We call for:

  1. An immediate ceasefire on all sides.
  2. The return of all foreign troops and military personnel to their own countries.
  3. An immediate moratorium on all weapons sales and transfers to Ukraine and Russia.
  4. Negotiations between all parties in the conflict to start a dialogue in order to find a peaceful solution on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at by the States of the region. These talks should include representatives from the whole range of civil society in order to ensure that all voices are heard.

In hope and solidarity,    

The Middle East Treaty Organization