In the Zone: METO’s Sharon and Emad speak at the Nuclear Ban Forum in Vienna

METO directors, Sharon Dolev and Emad Kiyaei, spoke at the first day of the Nuclear Ban Forum, hosted by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) on June 18. They hosted an hour-long workshop called “In the Zone: the TPNW and the Middle East.” Both Sharon and Emad discussed the possibility of establishing aContinue reading “In the Zone: METO’s Sharon and Emad speak at the Nuclear Ban Forum in Vienna”

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of… Nuclear Ban Week!

With apologies for the allusion to Julie Andrews singing about the hills of the Austrian Alps, Vienna (rather than Salzburg) will be METO’s de facto home for one week in June, where we will converge with civil society activists, diplomats, government representatives and many other stakeholders from all over the world in the campaign toContinue reading “The Hills are Alive with the Sound of… Nuclear Ban Week!”